187 Film Festival 10th Anniversary
Doors: 4:00pm, Show: 4:30pm
Ordering Closed
$5 tickets only sold at the door
Unlike any other Film Festival in the city, and maybe the nation, the 2023 187 Film Festival features almost 50 original works of film by families and students from the greatest school in Washington Heights, PSIS 187. This is our 10th year, and with over 450 films in our catalog, we're excited to celebrate this true cinematic celebration of community once again within the hallowed halls of United Palace. We've got comedy, drama, animation, mystery and even some scary films this year. Add to that awards for Best Picture, Audience Award and our own lifetime achievement award and it's a true "do not miss" event.
All are welcome to come as each ticket is only $5, and there will be plenty of popcorn and candy for all.
All proceeds go to the 187 Parent Teacher Organization.
This program is supported by the United Palace of Cultural Arts, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.